This has been perhaps the toughest decision I've had to make, but today I confirmed my slot on the doctoral cohort at the University of Missouri School of Journalism. Missouri's program, faculty and resources just seemed to fit me and my needs as doctoral student better than the others. This morning, they offered me an additional fellowship--thus offering me more financial assistance than Texas and Maryland. In addition, there would be numerous opportunities for further professional development in Missouri. Beyond, the great mentor figure at Missouri, I'll have a much better ability complete my research cognate at Missouri.
This will be a big move for Mimi and I. And it will be difficult to leave all of the people we love in Washington.
The only things that really have shaken me from Missouri are fears--fears of leaving the places I love and the people I love.
The opposite of faith isn't doubt but fear. I have been fearful when I should have had faith. And besides the cruel winters and the occasional tornado, what's so scary about the Midwest? It's risky to leave the people and places you know behind but great stories aren't written about those who stay comfortable but about those who take risks.
Here goes.