Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What's New? 2010 Edition.

It's been a long time since I've posted. For whatever reason, I thought that graduating from Georgetown while taking on more work would still leave me more time than I had in my previous life season. I guess I feel like I don't have much to share. But I do have some "exciting" happenings from the last few months. Some of which are actually exciting.

(1) I apply to be a Canadian! 

After two years of waiting to hear about Canadian Citizenship application, I found out that I was granted dual citizenship! But that they sent the documents to my old address in Florida! And that, because I hadn't changed my address I would have to reapply completely!

So I reapplied a few weeks ago. And it was arduous. But Mimi loves Canada because of the Avonlea books and because of Robin Sparkles from "How I Met Your Mother." I love it because my dad's side of the family is from the very-Acadian New Brunswick community of Grandfalls. And I like gravy on my French fries.