Monday, September 22, 2008

Tales from DC: Morning Conversation

So the other morning, I was having my breakfast (newspaper, Raisin Bran, coffee -- in that order left-to-right) when I received a call from my boss.
I looked at the time. 7:45 a.m.?

Greg, I have potentially the strangest request you've ever received from your boss.

: (pause) I'm going to wear underwear today. I don't care what you say.

: You're CLOSE! You're so unbelievably close!


: I bought some new stone-washed jeans from I was driving into work, felt a draft, and when I looked down they had RIPPED OPEN. And it's in a strategically inappropriate place.

: Oh.

: My wife is too far away to get me pants before our morning meeting. I know there's that new shopping mall near your house--

: You want me to buy you pants?

(Greg pulls phone away from mouth to laugh aloud)

: I wear 40 x 32's in a LOOSE FIT. I don't like them too tight.

(Uncomfortable mental image)

Greg: Should I bill this to work?

: I think it would be hard to sell this as a work expense.

Greg: You'll have trouble giving lectures without pants. It's one of those expected necessities in the classroom nowadays.

Boss: True...But why don't I just pay you back?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tales from DC: Bears in the Garbage

Bear_2At the Columbia Heights metro stop this morning.

Yeah, police were confused too. Homeless polar bears eating out of a garbage can?

I think there might be a message here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Worst Ideas of All Time: Guitar Praise

Worried about the potentially destructive power of secular music? Kids playing dangerous video games? No Problem! Check out Guitar Praise!

No I'm not joking.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Tales from DC: The Service Project

True story
: students are required to do community service in the program. Yesterday a student came in talking about his service project and so I asked him how he liked it.

"I work with seriously mentally-handicapped adults..."


"...tomorrow we're taking them to the zoo."

And I burst out laughing. Award for worst person in the world? Yes that's for me.