Saturday, January 3, 2009

100 Confessions: Unfulfilling job 2

(14) I spent another summer selling knives. The summer before I sold womens shoes at Dillards, I was a sales representative for Vector Marketing which sells Cutco.

The way it works is I write down everyone I know who has a family. Then I go sell them knives and get them to give me more people to sell knives to. I was awful.

On my first sales job, I went to the home of some long time friends. To demonstrate how sharp the butchers knife was, I was supposed to slice through a cucumber. Well I sliced it and cut off the top of my thumb as well. After a frantic search for band-aids (they didn't have any) and gauze (that either), we wrapped my thumb in paper towels and masking tape. On the bright side, I did convince them they were sharp knives. And they bought some even if it was just out of pity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow I can't believe you cut off the top of your thumb! Ouch! I've worked for Vector Marketing for 6 months now. I'm good at selling but not so great with knives so I started to wear cut resistant gloves when I do demonstrations.