Monday, June 15, 2009

100 Confessions: "No" Problem

(49) I have a "no" problem. I have trouble saying "no." I've gotten better over the years but I tend to consider doing things for people that most would just throw out on instinct.

Example: my trip to West Palm Beach. I organized a trip to a nearby diner to buy my former students dinner, etc. I began to get calls from the parent of one student who asked if I wouldn't mind driving his kids there and back home. I actually hesitated before realizing I didn't get paid to do that crap anymore.

Now I usually just say "yes" to awkward things.

Guy I've met twice in my life: "Would you mind lifting me up to pop the crick in my back?"
Me: "Uh...sure."

I actually did the lift twice.

1 comment:

Jill and Joe said...

well, the guy you met twice really did appreciate the lift. keep saying yes to awkward things :)